Home » Why Is Music Haram In Islam

Why Is Music Haram In Islam

A lot of people ask why is music haram in islam. Is it haram to listen to music, or to make it? The answer is both yes and no. As a Muslim, we believe there are certain things that it’s simply not our (intended) purpose to do. Things that are not part of God’s (Allah’s) plan for us, or part of the way we were created.

In this article, I will talk about “Why Is Music Haram In Islam”. Let’s start.

Why Is Music Haram? (According To Some Scholars)

In the past, music was considered to be a form of entertainment and something that brought people joy. However, in Islam, music is considered haram (unlawful) because it is believed to be an evil influence on human beings.

Music has been known for its ability to affect people’s moods, emotions and feelings. It can have positive effects on human beings when used appropriately. But if it is used in an inappropriate manner or excessively, it can have a negative impact on those listening to it.


Some scholars believe that because music has the power to affect humans emotionally and mentally, it could lead them astray from their faith. Some scholars believe that music could corrupt people’s hearts and minds by encouraging them towards sinfulness or make them forget about Allah (SWT). They also believe that listening to music may distract people from their religious obligations such as prayer and other acts of worship.

Mentions In The Quran About Listening To Music

In the Quran, Allah has given several reasons for why listening to music is prohibited.

1. It is a distraction from worship

2. It leads to evil thoughts and actions

3. It takes one away from the remembrance of Allah (Dhikr)

4. The musical instruments used in music are forbidden by Allah in Surah Al-Ma’ida 5:90

5. In addition to this, it distracts one from remembering Allah when they are supposed to be doing so (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:140).

Music is one of the greatest pleasures in life, but it’s also one of the most controversial. For many people, music is a way to express themselves and connect with others. But for some Muslims, music is haram — forbidden in Islam — because it can promote sinful behavior and lead to major problems.

The Quran mentions that music is permitted when used as a means to remember God, but it can become haram if it leads to sin. The following are some reasons why music may be considered haram:

It promotes sinful behavior. Some forms of music contain explicit or suggestive lyrics that encourage immoral acts such as premarital sex or excessive drinking. This kind of music encourages people to engage in sinful behavior without considering the consequences of their actions on their souls and bodies.

It distracts Muslims from remembering God. Music is meant to uplift the soul and bring peace into our hearts; however, many songs today have explicit content that may distract Muslims from focusing on their relationship with Allah (SWT). Some songs use sexual innuendos or swear words that are inappropriate for listening at any time, let alone when we’re trying to focus on worshiping Allah (SWT).

Did Prophet Muhammed (Saw) Say Music Is Haram?

Music is not just a form of entertainment, it’s also a way to express yourself. A lot of people would agree that music can make you feel better and make your day better. But does that mean that music is allowed in Islam?

The answer is no, music is haram in Islam. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

Did Prophet Muhammed (Saw) Say Music Is Haram?

No, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) never said music is haram or forbidden in Islam. He only said that there are certain types of music which are haram and other types which are halal. And it all depends on how you use your music and what kind of songs you listen to.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the last and final messenger of God. He was sent to all of mankind with a divine message. We have to accept this fact that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the only person who has given a complete message to mankind.

We have heard that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has given us many religious commands, but we never heard that music is haram in Islam. We have so many other questions about music, which are still unanswered.

In this article you will get answers for all the questions related to music in Islam. I will also provide some references from Quran and Hadith so that you can understand each and every point easily.

Listening Music

Reasons Why Listening To Music Is Considered Haram

There are many reasons why listening to music is considered haram in Islam. The primary reason is that it distracts you from your obligations to Allah and to yourself. It can also lead you into sin, which is something Muslims are not supposed to do.

The Quran states: “And of mankind is he who purchases idle talk (i.e., music, singing) to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a humiliating Penalty.” [Luqmaan 31:6]

There are many other verses in the Quran that speak about this issue as well. In fact, some scholars say that the hadith about music being Haram comes from this verse itself!

Listening to music has always been a controversial subject in Islam. The Quran itself does not explicitly say that listening to music is haram, but there are many hadith (sayings) in which the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) condemns music and its followers.

Here are some of the reasons why music is considered haram in Islam:

1- It can lead people to sin:

Music can have a negative effect on a person’s mind. It can cause them to become distracted from their work, make them lose their concentration, and even lead them to commit sins such as drinking alcohol or fornication. For example, if you’re driving your car and listening to loud music, then it might distract you from driving safely and cause an accident.

2- It causes disunity among Muslims:

Music is forbidden in Islam because it creates disunity among Muslims. A Muslim who listens to music will listen only for entertainment purposes and not for worshiping Allah alone without any partners or associates. The Quran says: “And they say: ‘We believe in Allah and in the Messenger, and we obey.’ Then after that a party of them turn away; they are not (really) Believers.” [Al-Ahzab 33:23].

Hadith About Listening To Music Being Halal Or Haram

The hadith about music is as follows:

Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 430:

Narrated ‘Aisha:

The Prophet (peace be upon him) came to my house while two girls were singing beside me the songs of Bu’ath (a story about the war between the two tribes of the Ansar, the Khazraj and the Aus, before Islam). The Prophet (peace be upon him) lay down and turned his face to the other side. Then Abu Bakr came and spoke to me harshly saying, “Musical instruments of Satan near the Prophet (peace be upon him) ?” Allah’s Apostle (peace be upon him) turned his face towards him and said, “Leave them.” When Abu Bakr became inattentive, I signaled to those girls to go out and they left. It was the day of ‘Id when negroes used to play with shields and spears. Either I requested Allâh’s Apostle or he himself asked me whether I would like to see the display. I replied in the affirmative. Then he brought me to the door of his house and asked me to look at that.

Is Playing Musical Instruments Haram In Islam?

Is Playing Musical Instruments Haram In Islam?

There is no doubt that music is a beautiful art form. It can be used to express our emotions and feelings. It can also be used to praise God and worship Him. But, is playing musical instruments haram in Islam? What about listening to music?

The answer depends on what kind of music you are talking about. Allah commands us not to listen to anything that causes us fitnah (temptation) or leads us away from the remembrance of Allah (swt). This includes all types of music, especially when it comes from the kuffar (non-Muslims).

However, there are some types of music that are not haram (unlawful), such as the adhkar (remembrance) songs like “La ilaha illa Allah” and “Subhan Allah” which are sung by many Muslims around the world. These songs are based on Quranic verses and they have been used as tools for dua (supplication) since the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Whispers Of Shayateen

What Kind Of Music Is Haram In Islam?

Islam is a religion that is often misunderstood by non-Muslims and Muslims alike. While there are many beliefs that are unique to Islam, there are also some common misconceptions that are often used as reasons to criticize the religion. One of these misconceptions is that music is haram (forbidden) in Islam.

The truth is that music itself isn’t haram, but rather the way it is used can lead to sinning and other forms of disobedience.

What Kind Of Music Is Haram In Islam?

There are certain types of music that are considered haram in Islam:

Music with lyrics that promote evil acts like drugs, drinking alcohol or fornication. Music with lyrics that promote immoral behavior such as violence against women or children. Music which contains sexual innuendos or encourages promiscuity through suggestive lyrics or movements by the performer(s). Music which promotes racism or hatred towards any group of people based on their ethnicity, culture or religious beliefs.

What Is The Punishment For Listening To Music In Islam?

Music is considered haram in Islam for a variety of reasons.

Listening to music was prohibited by the Prophet Muhammad, as well as all other forms of entertainment including singing, dancing and other forms of entertainment. The reason for this is because these acts distract people from focusing on their spirituality and worshiping Allah (God).

However, this does not mean that Muslims are not allowed to listen to music at all. It just means that it should only be done in certain circumstances such as listening to classical music or watching movies with no sound effects or music.

There are some exceptions where music isn’t considered Haram but they are so few that it’s not worth mentioning here. For example: If you’re listening to classical music or watching a movie with no sound effects or music then it’s perfectly fine but don’t try listening to pop songs on your phone while walking down the street!

In Islam, there are many things that are considered haram and forbidden yet there are also many things which we do not see as haram but they actually are so! For example: Eating pork is considered haram (forbidden) in Islam even though most people do not consider this as something haram at all!

FAQs for Why Is Music Haram In Islam

Now that you understand “Why Is Music Haram In Islam”, let’s move on to the FAQ section.

What Allah Says About Music?

Did you know that music is haram in Islam?

It’s true. The Quran says that Satan has been leading humans astray by means of music and entertainment.

Why is music haram?

For Muslims, listening to music is not just a matter of personal preference or taste. It’s an act that requires careful consideration because it can have real consequences on our lives and our souls.

The Quran was the last word revealed by God to humankind through Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It contains guidance for all of humanity on how we should live our lives and how we should interact with each other as human beings living together on this earth.

One of the most important things that Allah tells us about music is that it has no benefit for us at all. It distracts us from thinking about what is really important in life and takes us away from doing good deeds like remembering Allah and praying regularly because it leads us to forget about Allah altogether!

Why Is Music Not Allowed In Islam?

The Qur’an is the word of God, and it prohibits music. But the Qur’an doesn’t say why music is forbidden. Muslims believe that Allah has given us a clear explanation for everything, so we must find out why music is haram in Islam.

The answer lies in the nature of music itself. Music is an art form that can easily lead to sin and corruption if not used properly. The Prophet Muhammad said:

“Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should say something good or remain silent.”

Music has a strong influence on us because it touches our heart, mind, and soul all at once. It can make us feel happy, sad, excited and angry as well as many other emotions. Music affects our moods without us even realizing it, so it can be very dangerous when used wrongly or excessively.

In the Quran, Allah says:

“And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing) to mislead (men) from the path of Allah without knowledge and takes it (the Path of Allah, the Verses of the Qur’an) by way of mockery. For such there will be a humiliating torment (in the Hell-fire).” [Al-Isra 17:29]

The Noble Prophet (peace be upon him) has also said:

“Musical instrument is the key to evil”.

There are many other Ahadith which support this view. The reason for this prohibition is that music is a means of satanic temptation. It diverts one’s attention away from worship and remembrance of Allah and towards forbidden things such as love and playfulness. It also leads to laziness in worship and carelessness in remembering Allah.

Does Quran Forbid Music?

Does Quran Forbid Music?

The Quran does not forbid music. The holy book of Islam only discourages musical instruments that are not used for the remembrance of Allah. In fact, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself played the flute and often sang with his wives and friends.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had a group of musicians who would sing and play at his home and he was known to enjoy this type of entertainment.

In fact, there is a hadith in which it is narrated that he said: “Music makes hypocrisy grow in the heart like water makes herbage grow” (Bukhari). This hadith encourages us to think twice before we listen to music because it could lead to hypocrisy in our hearts if we allow ourselves to be influenced by its influence on our emotions.

The Quran does not forbid music. In fact, it explicitly permits singing and listening to music, with some restrictions.

But there is a hadith which says that Muhammad was once asked about music and he said: “If there is any good in it, then it is from Allah, but if there is any evil in it, then it is from the Shaytan.”

The word “Shaytan” means devil or Satan; so this hadith implies that music can have both good and bad effects. The Qur’an says: “Allah likes those who do good.” (Al-Qur’an 28:76)

But this doesn’t mean that we should take everything Muhammad said as law. We need to use our own judgement and common sense. If a certain type of music can be used for evil purposes, then it should be avoided.

Is Singing A Sin In Islam?

The short answer is that singing is not considered a sin in Islam. The Quran does not mention singing, so the only way to know if it is haram or halal is by looking at the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

The Prophet Muhammad was known for his love of music and singing. He used to listen to songs and tell stories about them. He also sang himself, and encouraged others to sing as well.

He once said: “Whoever listens to music and enjoys it, will be raised on the Day of Resurrection blind.” [Sahih Muslim]

This hadith explains that listening to music without enjoying it is not sinful, but listening while enjoying it can lead one astray and cause them to lose sight (of Allah).

I cannot speak for all Muslims, but from my personal experience and the experiences of others, I can say that singing is not haram in Islam. In fact, many Muslims enjoy listening to music and singing.

However, there are two main reasons why some people think it’s haram:

1. The music industry is run by people who want to make money off of other people’s talent in order to make more money for themselves. They may use their influence in the industry to promote sinful acts or produce music videos that show women in a sexual light.

2. Music can be used as a distraction from one’s daily life, which can lead them away from worshiping Allah (swt) or doing good deeds like helping their neighbors or volunteering at their local soup kitchen or shelter. For example, if someone is studying hard for an exam they have tomorrow but they’re listening to music while they study instead of focusing on what they need to do, then that person has sinned because they weren’t focusing on what matters most in life: following Allah (swt) and obeying him wholeheartedly through prayer and worshiping Him alone without partners (shirk).

Is Tik Tok Haram?

Is Tik Tok Haram?

Tik Tok is a popular mobile app owned by Chinese company ByteDance, which has been accused of copying Snapchat. The app allows users to create short videos and share them with friends. It is available on both Android and iOS, and has attracted over 1 billion users since its launch in 2016.

The app’s popularity has led to an increase in the number of users uploading their own music onto the platform. This has caused controversy as many Muslims believe that this violates Islamic law as music is considered haram (forbidden).

Is Tik Tok Haram?

Tik Tok is a Chinese app that was introduced in 2016. The app has taken the world by storm and is used by millions of people across the globe. It allows users to create short music videos and share them with their friends. However, many people have raised concerns about its use due to the fact that it encourages women to dress provocatively and dance in ways that are forbidden in Islam.

The answer to this question depends on whether or not you believe this app is halal or haram (permissible or prohibited). If you believe it to be permissible, then you can use it without worrying about facing any problems from your local religious leader. On the other hand, if you believe it to be prohibited then you will need to refrain from using it until further notice from an Islamic scholar who has made a legal ruling regarding its permissibility or impermissibility.

Why Is Dancing Haram?

There are many things that are haram in Islam. Dancing is one of them. It is not always easy to understand why something is haram, but it is important to try to understand the reasoning behind it so we can follow the rules of our religion properly.

The first question you may have is, “Why is music haram?” There are many reasons for this. The most common reason given is that music distracts people from Allah and their prayers. Music can be very addictive and can be used as a tool to get people away from their religion.

Another reason given for why dancing is haram is because it leads to adultery and immoral behavior. This may seem like an extreme claim, but there are many examples of how this has happened in history. During the time of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH), there were two tribes who were known for their special dances and songs that they performed during weddings and other celebrations. The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) prohibited these tribes from performing these dances because he feared that they would engage in immoral behavior after watching them perform these dances at weddings or other celebrations.

Conclusion for Why Is Music Haram In Islam

When people read this blog ‘why is music haram in islam’ most of them are of course finding differences between the ayat in question and comparing it to what i have said, but these types of questions have predated all other questions and there is no need to repeat myself. some feel a little bit irritated with what i have said, others feel confirmed with what i have said. a lot feels there is something missing, but many agree that my answer does not match what their own research has provided for them.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you get the point of “Why Is Music Haram In Islam”. If not, please contact me or leave a comment below. I would be pleased to help in any way I can.

Stag & Dagger

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